MATH Seminar

Title: Analysis and Simulation of Bingham fluid problems with Papanastasiou-like regularizations: Primal and Dual formulations
Defense: Dissertation
Speaker: Anastasia Svishcheva of Emory University
Contact: Anastasia Svishcheva,
Date: 2014-11-11 at 4:00PM
Venue: MSC W301
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Today I will talk about Analysis and Simulation of Bingham fluid problems with Papanastasiou-like regularizations. I discuss the mixed formulation of Bingham-Papanastasiou problem, its well-posedness and show the numerical results. In general, common solvers for the regularized problem experience a performance degradation when the regularization parameter m gets greater. The mixed formulation enhanced numerical properties of the algorithm by introduction of an auxiliary tensor variable.\\ \\ I also introduce a new regularization for the Bingham equations, so called Corrected regularization. Corrected regularization demonstrates better accuracy than other ones. I show its well-posedness, and in addition, compare its numerical results with the results obtained with the applications of other regularizations.

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